Compression bolero around arms, back and armpits
上半身と腕 脂肪吸引 圧迫下着 圧迫用品
Compression bolero around arms, back and armpits
After liposuction of the arms, it is difficult to raise the arms, so this bolero is recommended.
The bolero type is also the standard compression product after liposuction of the arms.
販売価格:¥ 13,200 ~ ¥ 19,800(税込)


Outborn Waist Nipper (Hard Type)
腰回り 乳房再建 脂肪吸引 圧迫下着
Outborn Waist Nipper (Hard Type)
It is especially recommended for those who need stronger pressure or want to reduce skin pain and pigmentation. 
Provides firm support from below the bust to below the waist.
The length of this extra-long type is about 0.984252"(30 cm).

It is also used for wearing after wide dorsal skin grafting (breast reconstruction).

販売価格:¥ 16,940 ~ ¥ 25,410(税込)


メディカル サラマシェリが選ばれる理由



③お取扱い病院数アイテム数 業界No1.
